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Ministry of General Education and Instruction

Within the last decade, the South Sudan education system has taken significant steps in improving enrolment and retention through discharging its legal mandate of free and compulsory education of quality for all. This has been done through the implementation of social interventions in areas of policies, standards and implementation mechanisms. As a Ministry, we have also recognized that although the Republic of South Sudan became a full member of the International Community after gaining Independence in 2011, it is yet bound by all charters and protocols pertaining to child rights to life, protection and to acquiring leaning of high quality.

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Latest News

Press Statement on 2024 Examinations (CPE and CSE)

The National Examination Council today provide the update to the parents and student on the results of 2024 Examination (CPE and CSE)...  Continue Reading

South Sudan kicks off Certificate of Secondary Education exams

The much-anticipated Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) exams commenced on Monday morning across South Sudan...  Continue Reading

Primary Eight Exams kick off in Warrap

Warrap State Governor Lt. Gen. Francis Marial Abur, rang the bell on Monday to kick off the primary 8 exams, marking an important milestone for pupils who will soon advance from primary to secondary school...  Continue Reading

Sign Language and Braille Training Launched in Juba

Light for the World International, in collaboration with the Ministry of General Education and Instruction has launched a training program for over 45 teachers in sign language and braille in Juba...  Continue Reading

Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) recognized as the International Project of the Year in London

The 2024 MCA awards in London chose Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) as an International Project of the Year...  Continue Reading

Inauguration of National Conference on ICT in Education

On September 10th 2024, the Vice President and Chair of the Service Cluster, Hussein Abdulbagi Akol has given the Ministry of General Education and Instruction a green light to incorporate ICT in Country’s Education System...  Continue Reading

Press Releases

    Released on 
  • Aug 21, 2024

Press Statement
    Released on 
  • Nov 30, -0001

Press Statement

Success Stories

How Improved Infrastructure has made learning Conducive for Learners with Disability

Fourteen-year-old Abraham Tong Madit, a fourth-grade student at Awerial Complex Primary School, has endured numerous hardships...  Read the story

How Tailored Education Support Program has transformed young mothers

My name is Nyadeng, a 17-year-old young mother and a primary 8 students at Pan Nhial Primary School in Awerial County, Lakes State...  Read the story

Empowering Girls Education Through Dignity Kits

Financial difficulties and extreme poverty in many communities have created additional challenges for schoolgirls, particularly regarding menstruation...  Read the story

Easing Hunger Through Quality Education

South Sudan possesses vast agricultural potential, yet farming remains largely traditional, relying heavily on subsistence methods and rainfall patterns...  Read the story

How Learning Materials Impact Students Success

For many decades, South Sudan has been struggling to improve the quality of education across the country...  Read the story

Pastoralists' Struggles to Access Education

South Sudan's pastoralists live a complicated life in a harsh environment, dealing with water scarcity and climatic challenges in remote, inaccessible areas prone to conflict, vulnerability, and critical food insecurity...  Read the story

AVSI Foundation Transforms Girls Lives Through Education in Eastern Equatoria

Many children in Kapoeta North County, Eastern Equatoria State, face immense challenges accessing quality education...  Read the story

Struggling school gets new life

Pagarau Primary School is located at the centre of Pagarau Payam, Yirol East County, Lakes State...  Read the story

Video Speeches


In accordance with The General Education Act, 2012, the strategic goals of the National General Education Policy are as follows:  
“The education system in the Republic of South Sudan will be directed towards meeting the following goals:

1. Eradicate illiteracy, improve employability of young people and adults and promote lifelong learning for all citizens;
2. Provide equitable access to learning opportunities for all citizens to address inequalities in education provision;
3. Achieve equity and promote gender equality and the advancement of the status of women;
4. Contribute to holistic personal development of each learner and to the moral, social, cultural, political and economic development of the nation;
5. Promote national unity and cohesion;
6. Enhance the quality of education through a robust inspection programme to encourage a culture of innovation and continuous school improvement and effectiveness; and
7. Develop and promote a general scientific approach in education.”

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