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How Tailored Education Support Program has transformed young mothers

My name is Nyadeng, a 17-year-old young mother and a primary 8 students at Pan Nhial Primary School in Awerial County, Lakes State. My son is two years old. I come from a poor family; my father is deceased, leaving my mother as the head of our household. I became pregnant in primary 5 at the age of 16 years. This forced me to drop out of school. My brothers, in their anger, sent me to live with my in-laws. They disowned both me and my mother, blaming her for my unintended pregnancy.

Life with my in-laws was difficult. They refused to allow me to continue with my education. The boy who impregnated me, (then 18 years of age), was sent to school by in a different County while I remained with his parents. They mistreated me, denying me enough food and milk for my child. I was forced to do all the housework. When either my child or I fell ill, they rarely provided medical care. Eventually, the situation became unbearable, and I ran away back to my mother.

My mother was shocked by my thin and malnourished appearance. Despite her own struggles, she welcomed me back with open arms - which angered my brothers. Life remained difficult as my mother struggled to provide for us, since my brothers had abandoned us because of my pregnancy. I was distressed, feeling that I had ruined my life and my chances of ever returning to school and achieving my dream of becoming a doctor.

One day, I learned from some school girls about support for young mothers who had dropped out of school. Curious, I inquired from a nearby school and discovered a program called Tailored Education Support for young mothers affected by early or unintended pregnancy. This news gave me hope and inspired me to return to school. I excitedly told my mother, who was overjoyed and promised to care for my child while I attended classes.

I re-enrolled and vowed to excel in my studies. The support, which included termly cash assistance for school materials and milk for my child, was transformative. It meant I didn't have to miss classes to fend for my child. I am determined to complete primary 8 and continue to secondary school.

I am grateful to our Ministry of General Education and instruction, the donor, Finn Church Aid, and Help Education South Sudan (HESS) for giving young mothers like me a second chance. This support provided by HESS, funded by ECW through Finn Church Aid, has encouraged many young mothers across the county to return to school. We are no longer missing lessons due to lack of educational needs or hungry children. I hope this support continues, as education is the key to our success.

Editor’s Note: Nyadeng has been performing well since returning to school and has successfully transitioned to the next level. She recently completed her primary 8 certificate and is eagerly awaiting her results, looking forward to joining secondary school. With funding from ECW through FCA, HESS has restored hope, and many young mothers have returned to schools within the County. The support has achieved its objective of enrolling, re-enrolling, retaining, and transitioning learners to the next level of education. We thank MOGEI, ECW and Finn Church Aid for supporting us and addressing the challenges we face in our education.