Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 8am to 5pm

MOGEI | Programs


Building Skills for Human Capital Development (P178654)

The Project's Development Objective (PDO) is to increase skills development opportunities in teaching and digital agriculture and strengthen capacity for management of the education system.



World Bank and Global Partnership for Education


Intervention areas

Component 1: Teaching Skills to Strengthen Education Delivery

Component 2: Digital Skills for Agriculture (MoHEST)

Component 3: Inclusion of Refugee and Host Communities

Component 4: System Building (MoGEI and MoHEST)

Component 5: Contingency Emergency Response Component


Expected Results /Outputs

-  10 NTTIs rehabilitated

-  12,000 qualified teachers trained (35% women)

-  200 schools rehabilitated/renovated

-  50,000 learners reached

-  Institutional capacity assessment undertaken

-  Improved system components identified in the assessment reports



US $100.43 million





6 States/ 1 Administrative Area under Component 3

1.      Ruweng

2.      Upper Nile

3.      Unity

4.      Central Equatoria

5.      Western Equatoria

6.      Northern Bahr El-Ghazal

7.      Western Bahr El-Ghazal

8.      Each location of NTTI

Nation-wide under Component 1, Component 4 and Component 5




Feb 2024- June 2028



12,000 teachers (3600 female)

50,000 learners

200 schools